Prescription for Play

the American Academy of Pediatrics is encouraging Pediatricians to "prescribe play" for its crucial role in children's development of "motor, social-emotional, language, executive functioning, math, and self-regulation skills"

Helping Children Succeed

Paul Tough, author and journalist writes about character qualities and their impact on children's long-term success in his book Helping Children Succeed

  • "Children who exhibit certain noncognitive capacities (including self-control and conscientiousness) are more likely to experience a variety of improved outcomes in adulthood."

    read the full text 
  • "Rather than trying to “teach” skills like grit and self-control, he argues, we should focus instead on creating the kinds of environments in which those qualities are most likely to flourish.

    learn about Paul's Work 

Media and Children

The impact of early screen time and overstimulation, discussed in Dr. Dimitri Christakis' TED talk, Media and Children highlighting the link between screen time and attention deficits.

Dr. Christakis summarizes his research on the positive impact of learning toys (blocks) and interactive play on children's language development.

Replacing Screen Time

Children's screen time use correlated with "poorer performance on developmental screening tests" months and years later. Replacing screen time with "independent play time" supports overall development, especially language development and executive function skills.

Complete elimination of screen time may not be realistic for most families. Parents should, however, strive to use technology as a tool. Employ screen time in situations that require a deep bench of solutions rather than as a way to fill idle moments.

Brenna Davis MS, CCC-SLP